HTML Language

25 Lessons

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HTML Basic Introduction - Part 1 - What is Hyper Text Markup Language

HTML Basic Introduction

HTML Basic Introduction - Part 2 - Why we use html, and use of tags in html

HTML Basic Introduction

HTML Basic Introduction - Part 3 - Advantages of HTML and Softwares required for HTML

HTML Basic Introduction

HTML Basic Introduction Part 4A - How we create first program in html final

HTML Basic Introduction

HTML Basic Introduction 4B - How we create first program in html final

HTML Basic Introduction

Font Tags in HTML Part 5- Learn how to change the color, font and size of a Text in HTML

Font Tags in HTML

Text Format HTML Part 6- Learn how to make bold , Italic and underline of a Text in HTML

Text Format HTML

HTML Tag Listed Part 7

HTML Tag Listed

Order List Part 8

Order List

Description List Part 10

Description List

Html Nested Unordered List - Part 11

Html Nested Unordered List

Html Links Part 12 A

Html Links

Html Links Part 12 B

Html Links Part

Insert an image in html page

Insert an image in html page

How to Create Table in html page 14-A

How to Create Table in Html page

How to Create Table in html page 14-B

How to Create Table in Html page

How to Create Table in html page - Part 14 -C

How to Create Table in Html page

Image Gallery with combination of table image and link - Part 16

Image Gallery with combination of table image and link

Create Login Form In Html

Create Login Form In Html

Input Type Text in HTML Language (Part 17)

Input Type Text in HTML Language

Input Type Text in HTML Language - 2 (Part 18)

nput Type Text in HTML Language

Radio and Checkbox in HTML

Radio and Checkbox in HTML

Dropdown and List box in HTML Language

Dropdown and List box in HTML

Submit and Reset Button in HTML Language

Form action and action method in html

Form action and action method